Deutsche Telekom taps into satellite for full coverage IoT

German operator Deutsche Telekom is about to start using satellite to ensure full global coverage for its Internet of Things offering.

The company is working with Intelsat and Skylo to add satellite to its existing terrestrial IoT networks – including NB-IoT, LTE-M, 4G and 5G – to create what it calls a global network of networks. It has already tested various use cases and plans to launch a commercial offer in the second quarter of this year.

“With integrating satellite connectivity into our T IoT offering we are reshaping the future of global IoT networking,” said Dennis Nikles, CEO of Deutsche Telekom IoT (T IoT). “Our customers now have a ‘network of networks’ with ubiquitous connectivity which enables completely new possibilities.”

Those possibilities include networking wind turbines in remote regions, recording water levels and weather data, and providing decent broadband connections out at sea. Deutsche Telekom and its partners – Intelsat and Skylo – are demonstrating the first use cases at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week.

Read the full article here.

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