Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Skylo?

Skylo is a Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN) service provider, leading the industry in satellite and cellular convergence. Our network connects existing devices over existing satellites, functioning just like international roaming. Skylo's technology is built on top of the latest cellular industry standards (3GPP NTN) - so there is no need for separate modems or antennas, making satellite connectivity affordable and accessible for all.

Why do I need to use Skylo’s satellite, non-terrestrial network (NTN) for my mission-critical applications?  

A: Skylo’s standards-based NTN is designed for mission-critical IoT applications that are out of range of cellular networks and require constant coverage.Business being conducted in remote locations, such as deep-sea oil and gas operations, global supply chains, asset management for mining activities are but some of the use cases that require Skylo’s NTN for IoT.


Traditional, first-generation NTN solutions (e.g., Iridium) require distinct, proprietary hardware in order to get satellite connectivity. Skylo is a next-generation, standards-based satellite IoT solution that leverages existing, off-the-shelf cellular hardware to deliver satellite connectivity for IoT. This means that you can use a single device to seamlessly roam between cellular and satellite networks depending on availability of cellular networks and application needs.

Are Skylo’s transmissions encrypted?

Yes, Skylo uses AES 128-bit encryption for over the air transmissions in its solution.

How does Skylo’s NTN interface with carrier(MNO) and MvNO’s networks?

Skylo integrates with MNO/MVNOs with standard 3GPP Interfaces such as S6a forauthentication and S8 for data routing.

What makes Skylo different?

Skylo is the only satellite IoT network to use existing spectrum and standard off-the-shelf cellular devices. This is due to its embrace of industry standards, like 3GPP’s Mobile Broadband  Network R17. Skylo is the first, and only, vendor to support this state-of-the-art communications industry standard.


Skylo ensures that mission-critical, IoT-based applications never lose coverage - even when there is no cellular signal.Skylo’s satellite-based network has seamless roaming between cellular and NTN so you never lose coverage.

What standards does Skylo support with its NTN?

3GPP, creator of The Mobile Broadband Standard, has an “emphasis towards connecting the internet of things – whether the need is for ultra-reliable low latency communications at one end of the scale or for energy efficient low-cost, low-power sensors and devices at the other.” Skylo is the first, and only (as of May 2024), vendor to support Release 17 of The Mobile Broadband Standard focusing on the latter.


Support for this standard is what makes it possible for Skylo to deliver seamless switching between satellite and cellular networks using off-the-shelf cellular devices.

How does Skylo compare to traditional satellite providers, like Iridium?

Traditional satellite vendors, like Iridium, have first-generation solutions that have been deployed for years - proving the viability of satellite-based networks (aka NTNs).


These solutions were great for their time but were lacking in cost-effectiveness and ease-of-use. They require proprietary hardware and need separate devices for satellite and cellular communication. This has constrained their adoption.


Skylo’s next-generation satellite IoT, is standards-based and can use existing off-the-shelf devices and modules to reach satellite and cellular with seamless roaming for a superior end customer experience. Skylo pioneered use of L and S radio frequency bands, which are within the frequency range of standard cellular radios, for satellite communication. This innovation makes it possible for off-the-shelf cellular devices to work with Skylo’s NTN.


Skylo-based solutions are also cost-effective to deploy and maintain as a single device can reach both terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks, and these networks operate as “when-needed” complements to one another instead of alternatives.

What are some examples of Skylo’s innovation and leadership?

Some “firsts” for Skylo Technologies include:

●      First non-terrestrial network (NTN) to cover four continents.

●      First standards-based NTN for satellite IoT.

●      First satellite IoT solution that leverages existing cellular devices.

●      First interoperable device and network ecosystem that is “future flexible” and eliminates lock-in.

●      First standards-based, “direct-to-device” RAN (Radio Access Network) for communication between satellites and devices.

●      First to support the 3GPP Mobile Broadband Standard Release 17.

●      First wholesale provider of satellite connectivity to cellular carriers - complements and extends cellular networks.

●      First seamless cellular-to-satellite roaming solution.

What, specific, areas of the globe does Skylo’s network cover?

Skylo is the first satellite provider to operate on four continents. Skylo’s website has the latest coverage map. Skylo continues to expand this coverage.

Does Skylo own the satellites it uses for transmission?

No.Skylo leases spectrum from existing satellite providers such as VIASAT, EchoStar, Strigo, and Ligado Networks.

What device manufacturers support Skylo?

Skylo works closely with the leading chipset, module, and device OEMs. A list of off-the-shelf the expanding ecosystem of devices and modules that are Skylo certified can be found on Skylo’s website.

How does Skylo work with cellular network carriers?

Support for industry standards are the basis for Skylo’s satellite network’s interoperability with cellular network carriers’ terrestrial networks.Specifically, 3GPP’s The Mobile BroadbandStandard Release 17. When implemented by OEMs on Skylo-certified devices, the resulting experience is seamless roaming between Skylo’s NTN and cellular network - so you never lose coverage.


This is possible because Skylo helped shape the Release 17 standard, including the Narrowband Internet of Things (aka NB-IoT) protocol, which enables cellular devices to interoperate with Skylo’s non-terrestrial (NTN) satellite network. It also makes seamless switching between NTN and cellular networks possible. Furthermore, NB-IoT also delivers support for ultra-narrowband, low bandwidth mode for communication with remote IoT devices.


Skylo integrates its virtualized radio access network (VRAN) and core with cellular carriers and MvNOs via standard roaming interconnects. The carriers/MvNOs bill customers directly for terrestrial and NTN usage via their existing billing mechanisms and contracts. End customers just add Skylo NTN data plans to their cellular data plans to gain seamless roaming capabilities.

What are common use cases where customers leverage Skylo’s non-terrestrial satellite network?

Skylo’s NTN for satellite IoT is suited for customers who are investing significantly in enterprise IoT for mission-critical applications that have exposure to remote locations outside the reach of cellular networks.


Some examples of applicable use cases include:


●     Asset Management tracking in applications such as oil/gas, mining, etc.

●     Pipeline management with concerns about regulatory compliance and reputational risk from accidental breaches.

●     Asset tracking related to theft prevention in remote areas (e.g., mining, supply chain, etc.)

●     Tracking of IT assets, in remote areas, for ISO 27001 compliance.

●     Lone worker tracking for OSHA compliance.

●     Many, many others

What’s required to switch between cellular networks and Skylo’s non-terrestrial satellite network? Is it automatic?

With cellular devices, switching between carrier networks (e.g., AT&T ->Verizon) happens seamlessly from an end user perspective. This happens because the SIMs and/or relevant applications have been designed with the capability to make this seamless.


The same applies to switching between Skylo’s NTN and cellular networks. SIM manufacturers and application providers develop offerings that make seamless switching between cellular and satellite/NTN networks possible.

What is involved in getting my device Skylo certified? What are the steps?

At a high level, the certification steps include:

I: Apply for certification

II: Implementation

●      OEMs fill out the Skylo certification requirement compliance matrix

●      Skylo certification team and OEMs review and checks against the Skylo Certification Requirements Compliance Matrix for continuity

●      OEMs implement the requirements

III: Testing/QA

●      Testing performed at:

○       Third-parties

○       OEM’s lab and in the field

○       Skylo’s lab and in the field

IV: Certification

●       Skylo cross checks requirements versus test results

●       Skylo performs spot check on the final product's - both software and firmware

●       Type approval is provided when the test results satisfy the requirements

●       Skylo updates its website, listing the product as a Skylo Certified Product


The certification process is performed at three levels:

○      Chipset - NTN protocol implementation and Skylo-specific protocol standards

○      Module - Use certified chipset to produce reliable RF and functional output

○      Device - Use certified module or chipset to produce an end device that operates reliably on the network


Some relevant standards, include:


●      EN 301 681 - Harmonized Standard for MobileEarth Stations (MES) of Geostationary mobile satellite systems, including handheld earth stations, for Satellite Personal Communications Networks (S-PCN)under the Mobile Satellite Service (MSS), operating in the 1.5 GHz and 1.6 GHz

●      EN 302 574 (Part 3) - Harmonized Standard for Mobile Earth Stations (MES) operating in the 1 980 MHz to 2 010 MHz (earth-to-space) and  170 MHz to 2 200 MHz (space-to-earth) frequency bands. Part 3: User Equipment (UE) for narrowband systems

●      EN 301 489 – Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 20: Specific conditions for Mobile Earth Stations (MES) used in the Mobile Satellite Services (MSS)

●      Total Radiated Power (TRP) and Total Radiated Sensitivity (TRS) at the upper and lower edges and midpoints of each NTN band (L-band and S-band) - testing methodology specified in 3GPP TR 37.902


Program details: https://www.skylo.tech/skylo-certification-program

Questions: Email info@skylo.tech

What is Skylo’s certification program? What are examples of Skylo’s investments in enabling an ecosystem of off-the-shelf cellular devices that can seamlessly tap Skylo’s satellite network?

Skylo’s certification program is designed to continue to expand its ecosystem of off-the-shelf cellular devices so that customers have maximum choice in deploying seamless roaming between cellular and Skylo’s satellite network for mission-critical applications.


Among other things, Skylo is actively working with chipset manufacturers at the firmware level to make certification straight forward. Skylo is also working with its partners to develop standards that streamline certification. For example, Network Conformance Standards have been developed by Skylo with partner input:


●      Device partners:  Total Radiated Sensitivity (TRS) / Total Radiated Power (TRP)

●      Chipset partners: The Mobile Broadband Standard Release 17 NTN Implementation augmented by Skylo-specific features

●      Includes the flexibility to incorporate satellite partner standards, where applicable


Skylo also offers technical consultation for device manufacturers looking to become Skylo Certified.

How does Skylo offer its service? Directly or through partners? If the latter, who are the partners and how do I contact them?

Skylo operates as a wholesale service provider of satellite IoT connectivity to mobile carriers (aka mobile network operator (MNO)) and their resellers (aka MVNOs). End customers can take advantage of the “never lose coverage” benefits of Skylo through MNOs/MVNOs and their application partners.

How much does it cost to use Skylo’s non-terrestrial satellite network? How does it compare to cellular networks?

If you have the following satellite IoT goals:


●      Constant coverage to support mission-critical applications in remote areas

●      Manageable incremental costs (implementation/operational) to meet mission-critical needs

●      Standards-based for flexibility of choice and “future proofing”


Cellular networks, and their limited coverage, cannot deliver. Complementing these networks, to fill in coverage gaps, with standards-based (i.e., 3GPP’s NB-IoT) satellite-based IoT solutions with support for ultra-narrowband, low bandwidth mode for communication with remote IoT devices is a requirement.


Skylo Technologies:


●      Uses existing, standard cellular devices and meet your mission-critical business needs and meet regulatory compliance - never lose coverage.

●      Use Skylo’s NTN to complement cellular/terrestrial networks and maintain low-bandwidth connection with remote IoT devices for a few USD more per month.  

●      Leverages standards-based (i.e., 3GPP’s NB-IoT), ultra-narrowband, low bandwidth mode for communication with remote off-the-shelf IoT devices to support mission-critical applications.

How much data can be sent during a connection session with an IoT device? Are there limitations on the number of connections per day?

A: Updates can occur up to 20x/minute. The packet size is 50-256 bytes, per transmission.

Can hardware OEMs submit, and attain, hardware (i.e.,  devices, modules, chipsets) for certification through third-party labs? 

A: Yes, Skylo partners with three independent labs for certification:

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Melbourne VIC 3000 AU

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