
Sony (Altair)


Sony Semiconductor Israel (Sony), formerly Altair Semiconductor, is a leading provider of Cellular IoT chipsets and AI for image sensing, playing a pivotal role in realizing the vision of the Internet of Things (IoT). As IoT expands to include all types of connected “things”, Sony Semiconductor Israel’s ultra-low-power and ultra-small chipset solutions are turning Cellular IoT into reality. Our vision has changed what is possible for device makers who rely on us to connect millions of devices. Sony’s Altair chipsets can be found in wearables, vehicle telematics, smart utility meters, personal & logistics trackers, home appliances, consumer electronics, and many other IoT devices. Our all-inclusive chipsets keep devices connected to today’s LTE networks and ready for 5G IoT. Sony Semiconductor Israel proudly ships millions of chipsets to customers around the world connecting to the world’s top tier-1 cellular networks. Our Deep Learning team is the driving force behind the AI capabilities of Sony’s IMX500 Intelligent Vision Sensor – the world’s first image sensor with embedded AI processing functionality. The DSP dedicated to AI signal processing is developed at our lab in Israel, balancing the need for a powerful AI engine with limited space and challenging low power constraints, creating the world’s first image sensor with built-in AI processing functionality.

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